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The Six Figure Mentors

In Six Figure Mentors on November 23, 2010 at 2:29 pm
Click here for The Six Figure Mentors Provide You With Everything You Need to Succeed..pptx

The Six Figure Mentors can provide you with everything you need to suceed.
Be your own boss, work from home and make a 6 figure income in your first year.

The Six Figure Mentors

In Six Figure Mentors on November 23, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Click here for The Six Figure Mentors.pdf

How the heck are The Six Figure Mentors?

The Six Figure Mentors Provide You With Everything You Need to Succeed

In Six Figure Mentors on November 13, 2010 at 1:19 pm

In finding this article I am sure you want to know more about the six figure mentors and I reckon the first question would be:

What are The Six Figure Mentors?

The six figure mentors are a growing online community of successful entrepreneurs who are mentoring colleagues to succeed at income generation through internet marketing activities. The main goal of the community is that of supporting one another and sharing new ideas and information, we truly celebrate the success of others, and want nothing more than success for all, that is the greatest pay day. Can anyone think of anything more rewarding than helping likeminded people achieving their goals? Our ethos is to demystifying so called internet marketing secrets and to give our new colleagues a head start with the right tools and skills while avoiding the pitfalls, in a capacity as a mentor.

1). Six Figures. The income in the first year of a successful internet marketer.

2). Mentor. An experienced and trusted adviser. A mentor is an experienced person in a company or educational institution who trains and counsels new employees or student.

What it is not.

a). A get rich quick scheme.

b). A pyramid scheme or other non-sustainable business model.

c). An automated money making machine.

d). A way to make money with no effort or input.

e). A secret organisation behind closed doors.

f). A happy clappy cult.

How can it be?

Our founder started up four years ago, driven by the desire to be able to make a living while being able to spend time with his family and friends. This in fact reflects many, if not all, of the six figure mentors backgrounds. We became tired of the corporate world and slogging our guts out. We’ll be the first to admit that we had good careers and made plenty of money, all of us successful in our endeavours, but at a cost to us and the people around us. Unless you have been living in isolation you must be aware of how a lot of people are feeling in this day and age. You know, fed up with being stressed out, having no free time, or having the money to spend during the time off we do get and at the worst end of the scale having relationships breaking down, and even a loss of good health. Personally prior to this I was working a six to seven day week, with most days exceeding nine hours of work per day. I was earning the most money I had ever had, at that point, which was great, however my marriage ended in divorce, not so great.

Why do it?

The internet is growing daily with more and more users coming online all the time, Facebook alone now has over five hundred million users, a slightly larger market than your local corner store. It is a well known fact that 95% of people fail at internet marketing for various reasons which are not limited to for example buying into software that lays claim to being the magic bullet, or simply by getting lost in the sheer volume of information that is already available on the web. Believe me it’s a bit of a mine field out there. I will always account my success down to having a super coach and mentor who told me what pro tools to use and how to market while goal setting and motivating me along the way. With this type of mentoring program in place ready for anyone willing to make the change in their life, no matter who they are, they will rapidly gain the confidence to fulfil their dreams and become one of our many success stories, where people make a 6 figure income in their first year.

Where is it?

We are based in the United Kingdom but our reach is global thanks to the internet and elements such as social networking. I currently reside near Bridgwater in Somerset and I get to enjoy my home county every day because I have one of the best paid jobs that exists today, the most fulfilling of which is definitely being a mentor.

What does it mean to me?

A new lifestyle with more financial and time freedom, realised with an investment of your time and money. A career where you are your own boss. A happier more relaxed life. A 6 figure mentor helped me immensely, now I can do the same for you, as your personal mentor.

Want to know more?

If you want to get involved, find a top class mentoring program with excellent coaching from a six figure mentor, access to pro tools and a head start with the six figure mentors go to:

With Best regards Tace.

Find out more about Tace Thompson at:

Make Money On Facebook How You Can Do It & Succeed

In Facebook on November 10, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Make Money On Facebook? It’s True Thousands Are Making A Living Already!

I purchased the Facebook Fan Page Cash system and I wanted to share my experience with you. Ask yourself “Can I make money online” with this system providing a step by step guide it could not be made any simpler or easier. This is of use to everyone starting out, or even people looking to make additional income streams. It is well worth anyone’s investment of time and resources.

What? It’s a proven system with three different steps to monetise Facebook, that offers good and sound advice on creating fan pages, e-mail marketing, and how to get free traffic.

OneInstant PayPal Cash. This is about how to make a service and getting paid to do it, this element can be set up in under several hours.

TwoQuick Cost Per Action (CPA). Profits clearly defines the process of making money on a daily basis.

ThreeTrends for Fans. This part clearly defines the method to target the right audience niches to get give much better results, and shows how to determine what people are interested in real time.

This great value package also includes a Free bonus: 5 Strategies to Getting a even more of Fans!

It doesn’t stop there though because the vendor is so confident you will succeed, they offer a 60 day period to try this product. If your not entirely satisfied and no results are realised, they will refund that initial investment.

Facebook currently has more than five hundred million active users and its growing day by day. This system is so inexpensive it’s a no brainer, so like me go for it, and start making money today, to our success!

Click Here! –>  To Turn Simple Facebook Fan Pages Into Profits!  <– Click Here!

Stop Smoking Motivation – Easiest Way To Quit Smoking.

In Lifestyle on November 6, 2010 at 2:48 pm

Are you finding it difficult to find the motivation you need to stop smoking. I have attempted to give up several times through the years, I’ve tried Nicotine gum and patches, visited a hypnotherapist and even given acupuncture a shot. Through all my experiences I have learned one valuable lesson the single most important thing is that you have to want to give up, that is what you should start with and that is what should always be in the fore front of your mind every single day, for me without that mindset I was just wasting time.

Why do you want to quit smoking

What are the reasons behind your desire to quit smoking, list them out Include every single thing you can think of, from the largest, most obvious of reasons, to the smallest. The two main reasons for giving up are commonly for financial and health reasons.

Financial Saving

Have you calculated how much you spend per day on smoking? If not then multiply your daily spend on cigarettes by the number of days in one year (365). For example average cost of 20 cigarettes is £5.67 or six bucks in the USA, that works out as over 2,000 pounds or bucks over a year, with that sort of money you could get all sorts of things, over 5 years that’s 10K! Towards your child’s university fund, or that dream holiday, or maybe a new sports car.

Health Benefits

By giving up smoking you will over time greatly reduce your chances of getting major diseases such as cancer and heart disease. You will be able to breathe more easily, find you have a lot more energy. Your hair will be less greasy and the capillaries in your gums will stop receding  and your teeth will be less likely to fall out. You sense of taste and smell return the quickest, and you will no longer stink of nicotine, much to the relief of the people around you.

For me most importantly is you will no longer be subjecting anyone to passively smoking the buy products of your nicotine addiction. Second hand smoke contains more than 50 cancer causing chemical compounds 11 of which are known to be Group 1 carcinogens. If that doesn’t motivate you then type in smokers lungs in Google images!