NET Wealth

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What A Life!

In Uncategorized on January 27, 2011 at 7:58 pm

What A Life!
Oh to be a care free cat in the land of luxury.

Six Figure Mentors Webinar

In Uncategorized on January 17, 2011 at 6:29 pm

Six Figure Mentors Webinar Part 1 Hosted by Stuart Ross and Daniel Wagner.
Recorded 13th January 2011.
Find Out About This Best In Its Class Coaching Programme.
Brought to you by Tace Thompson … (more info)

Free Webinar

In Uncategorized on January 17, 2011 at 6:12 pm

The Six Figure Mentors made certain of my success find out more & signup for free webinar this Wed.

Our Positive Thinking – What Are The Benefits To Us?

In Uncategorized on January 12, 2011 at 3:40 pm

By Definition.

The word Positive means dealing only with matters of fact and experience and is not speculative or theoretical.The concept is a way of thinking, putting emphasis on processing thoughts in a more desirable, upbeat way and can be described as the practice of embracing the affirmative in our thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions and our speech. This is also described as a type of attitude to be found in happy and optimistic people. Most importantly, positive thinking can be described as a skill that can be acquired by anyone. By learning this process anyone can also more easily attain their goals.

But What Is It?

This constructive philosophy is the act of reviewing thought processes and personal actions for areas that need improvement and for areas with negative implications, and then using the appropriate tools to change those thoughts or actions in the best way.

How Does It Work?

Well it begins with a conscious desire to pay attention to and recognise the affirmative in any given situation. Once the affirmative, or positive trait, of a situation or thought can be recognised, then the desired process can be utilised. In essence, the ability to pinpoint and utilise this in our minds and actions enables us to better reach goals, thus realising dreams, and by making an impact on all of our endeavours.

The actual process works to bring about desired outcomes in both our personal life and professional lives in a variety of ways. By acting in this way we naturally draw likeminded people to ourselves. By believing in better outcomes we more readily accept them as fact and open ourselves to their reality. By having up beat thoughts we are better able to see alternate, more advantageous routes to take. By truly accepting this we are better able to see the path to success and better able to use our know how to get there. The basic mechanics are simple. This simple process involves consciously searching for the affirmative in any situation, recognising the benefits of each upbeat trait and then employing a can do attitude to follow through on these optimistic thoughts, and can and will work when we remember to follow the basics

What Are The Benefits?

By learning positive thinking techniques and putting them into practice throughout every aspect of our lives we can achieve many benefits. The personal benefits of adopting this type of strategy are a optimistic attitude, belief in alternative possibilities, creative ideas, better problem solving skills, confidence, focus, determination, satisfaction and feelings of achievement.

Upbeat thinking leads to a optimistic attitude simply because being mindful about the positive traits and aspects of your life causes your brain to operate in a “feel good” state. By constantly thinking constructive thoughts, your brain is trained to look on the bright side of every situation, which in turn causes you to feel satisfied with your current position in life. If your mind is busy concentrating on constructive thoughts, it is extremely difficult for it to dwell on negative ones at the same time.

Positive thinking also leads to a belief in alternative possibilities by its very nature. When faced with what seems at first glance to be a no-win situation, optimistic thinkers have the natural ability to look outside of the facts for less conventional solutions. This ability to look past the obvious facts opens more doors and possible outcomes for both personal situations and professional ones.

By utilising the skills of positive thinking, you will begin to experience an increased belief in yourself and your abilities. After experiencing success after success with positive thinking, your brain will become trained to see each situation as a simple challenge instead of as a barrier that blocks your success. As this skill is developed a new belief in yourself will lead to greater focus and determination. By simply believing that you will find a suitable solution you will gain the motivation necessary to stay on task until that desirable outcome is achieved. Plus, a can do attitude will help centre concentration enabling the ability to stay focused on the helpful aspects of any given situation until the problem is resolved.

If you would like to find our more, then simply follow the link in my resource box below.

For More On Positive Thinking <– Click on the link.
With Best Regards Tace Thompson

In General on January 10, 2011 at 9:46 pm
We would like to give everyone a ‘safe space’ to promote themselves and share what they do with the community… 

Introduce yourself and let us know what you’re passionate about!

The Free Online SEO Tools We Use

In SEO on January 7, 2011 at 11:43 am
Learning the right way to optimise pages and websites for search engines, took me some time to catch up on. Things have changed over the years. In this article I list the top four free online SEO resources I use daily. For me there was no quick and easy way to locate them and I hope to address this by posting this article.

Free SEO Resources

Learning the right way to optimise pages and websites for search engines, took me some time to catch up on. Things have changed over the years, and as I have often stated when I started at the turn of the millennium, is was simply a matter of keyword stuffing in to META Tags, the more the better, and it did not have to be relevant even. These days Google, the search engine with the largest market share, no longer recognises these tags, while others still do. The next biggie was Google page rank, which still plays a significant role but is no longer as powerful as it once was as Google dropped it about 12 months ago. Currently back linking is the way to go, and the higher the page rank, abbreviated to PR, that back links come from the better.

Backlinking is the process of finding sites where by you can place anchor text, for example: Free SEO Tips (See below) into websites independent of your own, which then point to your website. As is the norm there are plenty of search engine optimisation sites that offer a back linking services, and what you get and how much it costs varies, a lot. By employing this type of service you will be taking out the work load, as you can of course do this manually, but it does, and will take a greater amount of time for anyone to do.

While learning the up to date way for search engine optimisation I have gathered a number resources along the way, which have helped me to keep on target. I use Firefox as my web browser and I would recommend this over Internet Explorer. So that’s a little back ground for any new starters reading this article, now on to my top four free SEO resources.

1). The first tool I found was SEO Quake, and add on for Firefox. This is a great tool as it produces a series of results while your browsing, and thus enable the viewer to quickly determine websites rankings, in Google and Alexa etcetera.

2). The first page I found is useful for tracking backlinks whether it be for the tracking of your page, or if you’re looking for sites to link from is called Backlink Watch.

3). The next really useful site I found to check META tags and more is called Submit Express, check out the links under the free webmaster tools section.

4). The final site I use on a regular basis is a keyword checker tool, which has and will remain immensely useful in all my online activities, such as article submission and blogging. Especially when trying to rank for a single keyword phrase and by keeping keyword density at or below two percent. Look for the textalyser.

Follow the anchor text below for direct links to the above mentioned Free SEO resources.

For Free SEO Resources <– Click on the link.

With Best Regards Tace Thompson

NET Wealth Wishes You A Happy New Year & A Great 2011!

In Uncategorized on January 1, 2011 at 12:43 pm

NET Wealth Wishes You A Happy New Year & A Great 2011!

With Best Regards Neil & Tace